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Wednesday, 3 June 2020

chiquibecas that will not be paid

In addition, the PP is committed to "improving work and family balance and reinforcing the educational support program this summer" to address the new needs that we are encountering in education.

Celia Sanz has appeared this Wednesday - via streaming - to publicize a series of measures related to the educational field proposed by the Popular Party in the face of "the new reality" that we must face. Among them, as the councilor affirms, "it is necessary to adapt to the new concept of vulnerability that is changing and, as City Hall, we must not allow anyone to be left behind."

In the matter of Education, Sanz remembers that already from the PP "we put on the table measures that would adapt to the work-life balance since the return to the classroom has not taken place and we don't know how it will be."

In these months, he continued, "the digital divide has been clearly established and there have been families who have had great difficulty in getting their children to follow the course from their homes" either because of the Internet connection or the resources of each family.

"There are families with several children and parents 'teleworking' who cannot have so many devices to face these new needs", that is, according to Celia Sanz, "on which we must insist" on the new term of vulnerability and on where the City Council has to be present.

Given this situation for the PP, it is essential to "create an economic aid program that will reduce the digital gap" and propose as a measure that, once the 'chiquibecas' of the last two quarters of 2020 are not to be paid, Use that budget line to support these families in acquiring computer materials and having a better Internet connection.

It is about "adapting to this new reality and the new vulnerability profiles and that the City Council provide the solutions that are necessary".

In another order of affairs, from the PP they are also betting on educational support programs for these minors facing this summer through educators as well as by promoting programs with social entities that complement the work of the municipal services, and reinforce his intervention among minors.

The PP councilor recalled that "this Covid-19 health crisis will leave us with an unprecedented social and economic crisis" in which "more than returning to a new normality, what is being considered is that municipal policies adapt to this situation "and for this" it is essential "to review the municipal budget because" the needs have changed and now it does not make sense ".


- Reinforce existing programs with minors during the summer period.

- Promote new programs with social entities that work with children to reinforce educational aspects of those who need it.

- Promote a line of financial aid for families from Logroño to acquire computer equipment or Internet connection, especially for situations of greater vulnerability and taking into account the number of members of the family unit.

Likewise, the councilor has reiterated the need to expand family intervention projects carried out by social educators in various areas of the city.

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