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Saturday, 6 June 2020
June 06, 2020
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At the start of each year, employees expect the company they work for to give them a financial incentive, an increase in their salary. But that may not happen in all cases.
Below you can see the scales in force and from previous years.
Friday, 5 June 2020
June 05, 2020
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Wednesday, 3 June 2020
June 03, 2020
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chiquibecas that will not be paid
In addition, the PP is committed to "improving work and family balance and reinforcing the educational support program this summer" to address the new needs that we are encountering in education.
Celia Sanz has appeared this Wednesday - via streaming - to publicize a series of measures related to the educational field proposed by the Popular Party in the face of "the new reality" that we must face. Among them, as the councilor affirms, "it is necessary to adapt to the new concept of vulnerability that is changing and, as City Hall, we must not allow anyone to be left behind."
In the matter of Education, Sanz remembers that already from the PP "we put on the table measures that would adapt to the work-life balance since the return to the classroom has not taken place and we don't know how it will be."
In these months, he continued, "the digital divide has been clearly established and there have been families who have had great difficulty in getting their children to follow the course from their homes" either because of the Internet connection or the resources of each family.
"There are families with several children and parents 'teleworking' who cannot have so many devices to face these new needs", that is, according to Celia Sanz, "on which we must insist" on the new term of vulnerability and on where the City Council has to be present.
Given this situation for the PP, it is essential to "create an economic aid program that will reduce the digital gap" and propose as a measure that, once the 'chiquibecas' of the last two quarters of 2020 are not to be paid, Use that budget line to support these families in acquiring computer materials and having a better Internet connection.
It is about "adapting to this new reality and the new vulnerability profiles and that the City Council provide the solutions that are necessary".
In another order of affairs, from the PP they are also betting on educational support programs for these minors facing this summer through educators as well as by promoting programs with social entities that complement the work of the municipal services, and reinforce his intervention among minors.
The PP councilor recalled that "this Covid-19 health crisis will leave us with an unprecedented social and economic crisis" in which "more than returning to a new normality, what is being considered is that municipal policies adapt to this situation "and for this" it is essential "to review the municipal budget because" the needs have changed and now it does not make sense ".
- Reinforce existing programs with minors during the summer period.
- Promote new programs with social entities that work with children to reinforce educational aspects of those who need it.
- Promote a line of financial aid for families from Logroño to acquire computer equipment or Internet connection, especially for situations of greater vulnerability and taking into account the number of members of the family unit.
Likewise, the councilor has reiterated the need to expand family intervention projects carried out by social educators in various areas of the city.
June 03, 2020
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increase of 123 stable positions
The Governing Council has approved the two files of the Ministry of Education and Culture for the modification of templates of educational centers in the region with the increase of 123 stable positions in the organic template: body of teachers, professors and professors of secondary education, special education and technical teachers of vocational training.
The places are divided into 85 Secondary, 19 Vocational Training, 18 teachers and one of Plastic Arts, as detailed by the spokesman for the Rioja Executive, Chus del Río.
This increase has no impact on Chapter I of expenses, given that the organic workforce is below the quota of teachers currently serving, and in terms of costs, this stabilization represents a saving of 329,558.95 euros, taking into account the different contribution regimes for interim and career officials.
With the files approved by the Governing Council, for the next merit contest these 123 more places will be available to be chosen by career officials, so that those not covered will be available to the interim. These agreements will also allow the resolution of the transfer contest convened on November 19, 2019.
June 03, 2020
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Mellora Plan for School Libraries
The Official Gazette of Galicia publishes this Wednesday the order of the call, by which a minimum of 25 new centers will be selected.
The total budget allocation for the centers amounts to 1,390,000 euros, according to the Ministry. The allocations will be used to update the documentary funds, the renovation of furniture and equipment, as well as operating expenses, among others.
The deadline will last until July 3. The selection criteria will take into account the quality of the program presented, its coherence with the situation of the library, the integration of the proposal in the actions to acquire key competences or the degree of participation in the center project, among others.
June 03, 2020
Jobs in Pakistan 2020
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As indicated by the Government of the Principality in a press release, 2,218 students in the 2nd year of Baccalaureate have expressed their intention to go to the classroom for the next three weeks to prepare for the Baccalaureate Assessment for access to the University (EBAU) in public institutes (The Baccalaureate in private centers does not have an educational concert).
In addition, 271 students will rejoin their centers to complete projects of higher FP courses, and 577 of 4th of ESO have been cited by their tutors for tutoring actions.
The Ministry of Education issued a resolution on May 25 ordering the face-to-face incorporation of the teaching staff necessary to attend to students in this phase 2 of the de-escalation. The norm establishes a series of organizational, hygiene and adaptation measures that the centers have undertaken for this stage.
The activity in the classroom is also resumed for the teachers who are part of the courts and commissions of the entrance tests to the different teachings and the exams to obtain the degrees, as well as for the counseling and psychopedagogy staff that they have to carry perform tasks related to schooling.
Students must comply with the general measures of protection and hygiene, as well as those that each center has established for the use of the facilities, especially respect for the safety distance. Teaching staff, for their part, must follow the recommendations contained in the health protocol for the prevention of COVID-19 infection in the workplace, available on the Educastur intranet, as well as the instructions of the Ministry.
Those who present symptoms compatible with COVID-19 or have the disease, or those who are in a home quarantine period due to having had contact with an infected person will not be able to attend the centers.
June 03, 2020
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June 03, 2020
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Tuesday, 2 June 2020
June 02, 2020
Ertugrul History
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Ertugrul History
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Monday, 1 June 2020
June 01, 2020
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Jobs in Pakistan
The initiative responds to the existing health emergency situation in the country due to the presence of COVID 19.
This platform was founded by teachers at Stanford University to provide access to quality education, and today it is used by more than 15 million students around the world.
The courses continue the line of learning in virtual environments that Plan Ceibal and ANEP offer students. Although they are not included in the compulsory secondary education curricula, they will provide each young person with the possibility of extracurricular training, with a very wide catalog of more than 3,600 minicourses in Spanish and English that Coursera provides today through universities of all the world.
Among the different options of minicourses are: Communication, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Business, Marketing, Computational Thinking, Programming, Economics, Mathematics, Agricultural Sciences, Physics, Art and Languages, among others.
Despite the urgencies of the hour, we did not want to miss out on the opportunity to “celebrate” this first anniversary, remember these first steps full of shared learning and achievements, and thank everyone who trusted us and the talent of our teams.
The Arbusta Uruguay operation was born in February 2019, with the same spirit of Arbusta in its operations in Argentina and Colombia: providing quality digital services providing employment opportunities to young people that the market does not look at.
We started with 10 part-time collaborators in a Montevideo co-work and a Digital Interaction project with the support of the Buenos Aires teams. Very soon Erika Santos, our first Project Manager and key member of the team, joined, and in early April I joined as Country Manager.
Montevideo offices and a growing team
When the operation began to consolidate, we settled in our beloved offices in downtown Montevideo (and how we miss them!). Today we are about 50 collaborators fulfilling Operations, Administration & Finance and Human Capital functions. We have 6 clients and 8 projects: three from QA & Software Testing, three from Data Services and two from Digital Interactions.
In one year we managed to quintuple our size, consolidate ourselves as a team and evolve in our working methodologies and ways of organizing ourselves. Always towards innovation and agility to respond to the needs of customers and the industry. At the beginning of 2020 we obtained the certification of our quality processes with the ISO 9001 standard. This consolidation came hand in hand with a very important personal and professional growth of the entire team, which generates a lot of satisfaction.
Along this path, we met and established enriching alliances with CUTI (Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technology), Antel, CEDU (Chamber of Digital Economy of Uruguay), the Youth to Program Plan Ceibal team, Mercado Libre in UY, Uruguay XXI, LATU, among so many organizations, clients, suppliers and teams that work closely with us on a daily basis.
How to continue growing in the context of crisis
In these difficult and disruptive times that we all live, we have faced significant challenges. In an agile way, we had to migrate 100% of our operation to work remotely from March 16. In addition, we had to get creative and innovate in many processes, for example, we have made the selection and induction of new collaborators in a virtual way.
I am convinced that our agile and flexible way of working has allowed us to overcome various obstacles, learning and strengthening ourselves along the way. Our Emotional Intelligence Program, which began with workshops during 2019, has also become an ally to go through these circumstances and today we maintain it with virtual meetings open twice a week, in which Montevideo collaborators weave support networks with from Medellín, Buenos Aires and Rosario, taking on more than ever the dimension of Arbusta as a community.
With the look set in the future
Our value lies more than ever in the quality of the service we provide to our clients, and in our ability to identify and develop talent that is generally not considered by the market: young people without formal technical training who live in fragile socioeconomic contexts. Arbusta gives these young people their first work experience in the technology industry and allows them to develop their potential as individuals and professionals. In turn, we promote the participation of women in the industry. At Arbusta, almost 60% are women and we contribute in this way to reducing the gender gap in the sector.
What has this first year at Arbusta meant to me? A huge personal and professional growth. I am grateful to the entire Arbusta team in general, and to Uruguay in particular. And finally I feel immense pride. Pride of being part of this great team of 300 people and of everything that we are achieving, with successes and mistakes. In this difficult context, Arbusta is an example that there is a future and we love being protagonists of it.
"An image is worth a thousand words," says a popular saying shared by members of a sector, that of the Uruguayan illustration, which works to export strokes of "exquisite" quality and technique, according to an interview with Efe agent Jorge Varela, who represents eighteen illustrators from this small country.
DRAWING STORIES A story of emigrants, love and soccer served the Uruguayan Eduardo Sganga to win the 2019 National Illustration Award and bring his project "Danube" to the International Fair of Children's and Youth Book in Bologna (Italy) 2020 (BCBF, for his acronym in English), the largest showcase of this type of literature in the world. Through reds and blues, Sganga expresses himself in this work in a language, that of the illustration, which has accompanied him since the first time he grabbed a pencil when he was just a child, he relates in a conversation with Efe.
Sganga entered this world through a Textile Design career, since in Uruguay there is no specific training in illustration, something that, although it may seem like a handicap, becomes a virtue, as it offers a "variety" to the market editorial that other countries do not, indicates the agent Jorge Varela. "What happens in Uruguay is a very rich process, at the training and exchange level, which has crystallized in recent years with a very interesting evolution by a number of artists who have been recognized abroad", Varela stresses.
Several publishers in Uruguay are betting on the album book, the one in which the image has the same role as the word and the illustration is essential. "We are not only going with the trend of illustration, but somehow generating a trend for the originality of Uruguayan illustrations," says director of the Basilisa publishing house, Mercedes Lafourcade. In this way, and with a "language of its own", Uruguay is managing to "break the dynamic" and generate content for European and Asian markets, which were not used to buying Uruguayan culture, the director of Amanuense, Rodolfo Bolaños, tells Efe.
ILLUSTRATE TO INCLUDE A yellowish eye of a crocodile cries and looks at the reader of "Milo y Manú" in an illustration of the Uruguayan FABA that occupies the page of this book published by Basilisa, an editorial that works for readers with dyslexia. It is one of the "disturbing" images with which Basilisa fills her albums in order to "awaken" the child's interest in reading, says Lafourcade. This editorial uses research in the fields of cognitive science and artificial intelligence to create works adapted and beneficial for people with dyslexia. Thus, Basilisa plays with elements such as lexicon or typography to simplify reading and for words to have a cognitive effect on the public, all with the help of the image, which never detracts in quality.
What does the company do and how did the Academy unit come about ?
IDATHA is a company that was forged in the academic field with a focus on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. He was born from teachers at the Computer Institute of the University of the Republic, with deep experience and interest in data processing and natural language processing. Since then we have been working with national and international clients, public and private, applying Artificial Intelligence to help solve their challenges. We are dedicated to understanding data so that our clients are dedicated to achieving their goals.
In this tour we have dictated multiple trainings to different audiences, from informative trainings to C-level executives to technical trainings for experts from various industries. Recurring suggestions from clients and those who have already participated in one of our courses motivated us to jump the barrier of the difficulties that distance and timetables impose.
What is the purpose of the Academy? What is your differential in the market?
The objective of IDATHA Academy is that our clients can reach theirs; the tool on which we rely is knowledge. We seek to bridge the gap that exists between domain knowledge in different areas and the technology that allows us to take advantage of Artificial Intelligence. We believe that knowledge must be shared in order to advance, and from our unit we help that knowledge to be learned and useful for professionals not only in information technology.
We transmit the experience of years learning so that each student generates his own learning. A unique value is that our courses are conducted by live teleconferences with small groups, which allows the teacher to interact answering queries according to the needs of each student and that they interact with each other. Physical presence - especially in these times - is not an impediment.
What audience do they target and with what type of training?
That depends on each course. We have courses for the public with a deeply technical profile that seeks to strengthen and validate their knowledge in Computer Vision, one of the branches of AI. And we have courses for professionals in areas such as economics, finance, sociology or for researchers who are looking to get into and start using world-class Business Intelligence, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence tools. This course has already gone through several iterations and is one of our favorites, because it helps each member in the process of discovering how to apply these technologies to their area of knowledge.
What are the entry requirements?
We have two types, one with low technological requirements and the other for people with programming experience.
Mostly our courses were designed targeting people who have been studying or working in areas in which, in some way, they are nourished and in turn generate data: economics, finance, sociology, scientific research, among others. With this knowledge, knowing how to use a computer, and with the will to learn, they have what they need to start, we take care of the rest.
Deeply technical courses like Computer Vision require prior knowledge of information technology, particularly in development. It was designed to assist in preparing to take Google's international certification on Tensorflow.
These webinars talk about new trends in the business world that you should know about. If you want to be a professional at the forefront, you must be aware of the new topics and know what is being said when IoT, Big Data, StoryTelling or Digital Transformation are named. 4 webinars that you should not miss.
This Webinar deals with IoT (the Internet of Things), the technologies that generate an interconnection of objects through the Internet, allowing the collection of information that can be very useful in today's world.
It is in charge of Fernando Villagómez (Product Manager of Telefónica Business Solutions) who describes a brief history of the IoT, its components and how people use this tool to solve everyday problems. In addition, he explains how this technology can provide benefits in areas such as medicine (through the use of smart devices that can measure a patient's heart rate), as well as in office objects or home use, such as a fire system.
In this webinar Moisés Pascual (CDO of Telefónica Movistar Ecuador), talks about the impact of Big Data in the world, explaining what the digital revolution is and the changes that take place in society.
Describe the transformation of business and expose examples of this new digital age. To give context, it refers to companies like Airbnb or Uber. Discuss how the largest companies in the world succeed in this revolution and details the modalities that they use to achieve their success.
In addition, he talks about the "people's internet", where social networks are involved.
José Alvarez, Head of Digital Marketing, talks about what needs to be done and what should be avoided for a story to be successful and its content to be properly disseminated.
It details the goals and tools to use when telling a story and how to move it to a business level. Explains that a link must be generated with users, which is achieved through three actions: excite, connect and help them grow.
Melissa Hernández, Manager of Experience and Change Management at Telefónica Ecuador, talks about the digital environment we are currently in and how we should approach the digital transformation. Explains the methodologies that help us implement this transformation and what are the key competencies that professionals need.
June 01, 2020
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