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Wednesday, 9 May 2018

The other day, for example, I read  this  newspaper article that made me think a lot. The article kept repeating over and over again how unfortunate we are who are around 30. He  was  full of phrases like " what can you decide, when the salary of the month is 400 euros, and a month later you can be in the Street? " Honestly it's unfortunate to post something like that.

I'm tired of the press telling us again and again that it's better to duck your head, forget your dreams and settle for any job. That you will not find anything worthwhile. That there is nothing you can do. That you must surrender. That you must conform to what others do not want because that is what you will have.

It seems they want to make us a generation of losers. Of conformist people without aspirations or desires in this life. Weak people unable to fight for anything.

In fact, it seems that if you say things like "I want to work on Google", "I want to earn more than 50,000 euros " or "I would like to  work in Shanghai " people look at you with a certain skepticism, like thinking that those kinds of goals are not They can get during an economic crisis.

I think it's better to be ambitious.

Why should you settle for any job? Why should you give up on getting a job that really motivates you, that is well paid and that you like it?

You have nothing to lose by trying and you have a lot to gain if you get it.

So do not look for excuses in society, the crisis or politicians. The first one that prevents you from getting a good job is yourself if you are already looking for excuses before you start. You can get the job of your dreams in 2015. You just need a plan to do it.

How to get the job of your dreams in 2015

This is a brief action plan to get a job in 2015:

 # 1 Forget about the circumstances
"To hell with the circumstances, I create my opportunities." Bruce Lee

It has been 7 years since the 2008 crisis began.

According to experts, in Spain, we will not emerge from the crisis until 2018 , and although the government wants us to believe that the situation improves faster than it actually does, there is still a long way to go.

In other countries like the USA, although the economic situation has improved, it seems that many people have real problems to get a good job, since  the average salary has not grown in the last 7 years .

Undoubtedly, 7 or 8 years ago it was easier to get work than it is now. Circumstances have changed and it seems that the worse.

The press is responsible for reminding you of this every day, but let me ask you one thing: Do you think that focusing on all this will help you get a job?

I say no.

Focusing on factors that you can not control such as the crisis or the economic situation will not help you to change your situation.

Unlike. The only thing you will get is to be paralyzed by fear, and to feel frustrated by not being able to change things.

On the contrary, focusing on what you can control is what helps you change your situation.

How much time do you waste per day consuming information that does not give you anything?

I refer to press articles and television news that not only do not help you, but hurt you because they sow fear and frustration in you.

Why not take advantage of that time to do something productive, something that will help you get the job of your dreams?

To hell with the circumstances, create your opportunities.

# 2 Focus on what you can control
It's time to change your mindset and move on to action. To stop being reactive and to become proactive.

Stephen Covey, the author of the seven habits of highly effective people perfectly sums up the concept of proactivity with the circle of concern and the circle of control.

Focusing on worries (what you can not control) makes you a reactive person, unable to change your situation. By focusing on what you can not control, your worries become greater and your sense of control much less.

On the contrary, focusing on what you can control, makes you a proactive person, capable of changing your situation. By focusing on what you can control, you increase your confidence and decrease your worries, because you know you are in control of your life.

If you want to get the job of your dreams, there are many things you can do to get it, such as:

  • Optimize your Linkedin profile to appear in candidate searches.
  • Prepare to convince you in a job interview .
  • Find your maximum contribution point .
  • Create your system to get the job of your dreams.
  • Make networking .
  • Learn negotiation techniques .
  • Improve your self-esteem , to gain more confidence.

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